How Long Is an App Reskin’s Lifespan?

Typical scenario will be: considerable amount of time and money is invested in the development of an app only for it to lose traction shortly after its release. This scenario is also true for app reskins. Most reskins rely on popular trends to boost its visibility in the app stores. As the trend wanes, the reskin’s popularity also wanes making it almost a disposable commodity. But how long would it take for a reskin to be considered stale? Is there a benchmark that can be used for comparison?

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Common Apple App Store Rejection Reasons

This is a reskinned game.” That statement could be explanation enough but there’s nothing in the App Store Review Guidelines that says that reskinned apps are outright banned. There’s only a mention of “App looks like it was cobbled together in a few days…” which doesn’t really describe all app reskins. That’s why it can’t be denied that the review process is creating a paradox. Some even say that some of the Review Board’s decisions are hypocritical. Sometimes rejected apps get through the next time it is submitted even without any changes in the code or interface. Reviewers are also notoriously known to delete keywords without even hinting that he/she “changed something” in your app. Read More

Time Management Tools App Reskinners should Try

Modern technology had been busy catching all those time thieves for quite some time now. Time tracking had even evolved so much that it is sometimes to separate time management tools from project management tools (they’re kindred spirits I think). There is no one-size-fits-all formula task organization and time management especially when you’re not in control (who is?) of everything’s that’s happening in your waking hours. This is especially a challenge if you’re a part-time reskinner, just wanting to be productive by trying out some time management strategies we learned from the previous article and then you accidentally forgot the time – losing yourself into the wonders of some app reskinning blog.

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Time Management Techniques for Part time App Reskinners

Time management is not only about making time for things that should be accomplished “now” but also making sure that these things can be accomplished in the long run. App reskinning is just similar to other business venture where you spend time, money and energy so it is important to decide beforehand how much you are willing to commit. Sometimes we set unrealistic timelines and vague goals that when set in motion isn’t really sustainable in the long run. Read More

8 Alternative App Stores

The list of alternative app stores can go on and on but most are solely for Android apps or doesn’t have any program and support for developers. This list of cross-platform app stores isn’t exhaustive – there could be very well more but these are the stores that stand out not only because of special features like analytics and marketing tools but also because of its targeted user base.

So without further ado, here are 8 alternative app stores app reskinners should check out: Read More